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Exciting visit from The Office of Head Start!

Exciting visit from The Office of Head Start!

Exciting visit from The Office of Head Start!

BEOF had the incredible honor of welcoming Dr. Khari Garvin, Director of the Office of Head Start at the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services out of Washington D.C., to our Head Start Program!

We were thrilled to also host Ms. Carolyn Baker, Director of Head Start for Regional Office Two from NY, along with her esteemed colleagues: Jorge Saenz De Viteri, Region II Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, and Tanesha Peralta, Program Specialist. Their visit included a tour of our current facilities and our soon-to-be new location at the former Holy Family Academy. They witnessed firsthand the positive impact our program is making in the Bayonne community and throughout Hudson County.

Dr. Garvin and his team were impressed by our dedicated teaching staff, the strong community partnerships we’ve built, and the commitment of our staff to continuous improvement through comprehensive training. Our open dialogue with the Office of Head Start was truly inspiring, and we are grateful for their support and enthusiasm for our program.

A huge thank you to Dr. Garvin, Ms. Baker, and the entire team for traveling to our hometown and sharing in our vision for the future. Together, we are making a difference!

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