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Bayonne Community Toy Drive

Bayonne Community Toy Drive

Bayonne Community Toy Drive

Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation would like to take a moment to thank the Bayonne Community for their very generous toy donations this holiday season. We are proud to share that we were able to provide gifts to over 400 children and families!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. You have helped to make the holidays for the youth in our community all the more merry and bright! Mayor Jimmy Davis, Mr. Ken Poesl, Bayonne Police Department, Bayonne Fire Department, BCB Bank, Donohue, Gironda & Doria, CPA’s, Sicilian Citizens’ Club Inc., I.L.A Local 1588, Bayonne Elks, Mr. Robert Kubert, Ms. Rose Kellner, Mr. Mike Olesky, Grace Lutheran Church, Bayonne & Rev. Gary Grindeland, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

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