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Teacher Coaching Consultant

1. Summary
Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation Head Start Program is currently accepting proposals for a 2017 Teacher Coaching Consultant Contract. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from various individuals, conduct a fair and extensive evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and select the individual who will best serve the needs of Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation.

2. Proposal Guidelines
This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and competitive process. Proposals for this position will be accepted until September 29, 2017 at 3PM. Any proposals received after this date and time will be returned to the sender.

Our services focus on creating school-ready children, parents engaged in the lives and education of their children, empowering families to self-sufficiency, and staff who provide high quality services to the children and families whom they serve.

Individuals who meet the necessary qualifications as well as contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP. All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by Bayonne Head Start Director, Rosemary Simnowitz alongside Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation’s Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer.

All approved bidders must be able to pass a criminal background check.

3. Project Purpose and Description
Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation Head Start program is seeking an individual who meets the mandated qualifications for a full-time, Teacher Coaching Consultant position, Monday through Friday at all three (3) of our Head Start locations; 21 West 8th Street, 557 Kennedy Boulevard, or 7 West 9th Street in Bayonne, NJ.

This Teacher Consultant must meet the requirements of the new Head Start Program Performance Standards, qualifications in section 1302.91(f), and must implement a research-based coordinated coaching strategy for education staff as described in section 1302.92(c) of the standards. The following components of this position include, but are not limited to:

  • Responsible for overseeing and the assessment of the entire program as well as all staff
  • Planning goals and action steps
  • Engaging in focused observations
  • Reflecting on and sharing feedback about teaching practices
  • Ability and willingness to identify teacher strengths, areas of support and to identify who would benefit most from intensive coaching
  • Opportunities for teachers to be observed, receive feedback & modeling of effective teacher practices
  • Aligning mentor coaching services with program’s school readiness goals and child assessment and CLASS data
  • Creating, implementing and reviewing goals for teachers to achieve through the mentor/coaching process
  • Express ongoing communication between all managerial staff

5. Request for Proposal and Project Timeline

  • All proposals in response to this RFP are due no later than close of business, September 29, 2017.
  • Evaluation of proposals will be conducted from September 1, 2017 until September 29, 2017.
  • The selection decision for the winning bidder will be made no later than Monday, October 2, 2017.
  • Upon notification, the winning bidder must be able to provide references and must undergo fingerprinting, a physical examination and Mantoux screening test as soon as possible.

6. Budget
All proposals must include proposed costs to complete the tasks described in the project scope. Monthly and yearly pricing should be listed for each of the items in accordance with the project scope.

7. Bidder Qualifications
Bidder must meet the requirements of the new Head Start Program Performance Standards.

Teacher interactions in classrooms will be observed and mentor coaching services will be provided where applicable. Goals will be set with Consultants and then targeted observations will provide other staff with feedback as well as model high quality teaching practices.

8. Contract Term and Compensation:
The contract time period will be for one year starting on October 2, 2017, then the contract will become a month to month agreement until further notice.

9. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation Head Start program will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria. To ensure consideration for this Request for Proposal, your proposal should be complete and include all the following information:

  • Overall proposal suitability: proposed solution(s) must meet the scope and needs included herein and be presented in a clear and organized manner.
  • Organizational experience: Bidders will be evaluated on their experience as it pertains to the scope of this project.
  • Previous work: Bidders will be evaluated on examples of their work pertaining to providing teacher coaching services.
  • Value and cost: Bidders will be evaluated on the cost of their solution(s) based on the work to be performed in accordance with the scope of this project.
  • Technical expertise and experience: Bidders must provide descriptions and documentation of staff technical expertise and experience.

Each bidder must submit a copy of their proposal to the address below by September 29, 2017 @ 3PM. If you are interested in bidding on the contract, you can schedule a walk through by contacting Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation.

Attn: Ms. Rosemary Simnowitz, Director
Bayonne Head Start
P.O. Box 1032
Bayonne, NJ 07002
(201) 437-7702

CC: Attn: Mr. Anthony Segarra, CFO
Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation
555 Kennedy Boulevard
Bayonne, NJ 07002
(201) 437-7222

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