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Energy Assistance


BEOF offers energy assistance programs through funding by the state and federal governments, currently helping more than 2,000 Hudson County families lower their energy bills.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps low-income homeowners and tenants pay for heating costs, including bills for electricity, natural gas, oil, and fuel delivery. LIHEAP grants are also available for medically necessary cooling costs. Even tenants whose rent includes utilities may qualify for help. The LIHEAP program is seasonal and operates between October 1 and April 30.

The Universal Service Fund (USF), created by the N.J. Board of Public Utilities, helps low-income households pay for electric and natural gas costs. This program operates year-round.

In addition, households that do not meet the income guidelines for the above programs may qualify for other assistance through the TRUE/PAGE and NJ SHARES programs

Residents of Hudson County, both homeowners and tenants, who meet income requirements may apply for LIHEAP assistance.
To apply for USF, Hudson County residents must:

  • Meet income requirements AND
  • Spend more than 3% of household income on gas and/or electricity OR
  • Spend more than 6% of household income on electricity

Required Documentation
To assist with timely processing, please provide the following documentation when filing an application:

  • Copies of Social Security cards for ALL household members
  • Copy of oil bill or gas & electric (PSEG) bill (must be under applicant’s name)
  • Copy of rent receipt, TRA letter, Section 8 letter, or proof of ownership
  • Proof of income for ALL household members age 18 or older

The following forms, available at BEOF offices, must also be completed and submitted:

  • Medical form (for cooling applicants), signed and stamped by applicant’s doctor
  • Tenant Verification Form, completed by landlord/superintendent

How to Apply
Visit our office at 555 Kennedy Boulevard (between 21st and 22nd Streets) in Bayonne, N.J. Friendly staff members are available to help you complete the applications. You can also call 201-437-7222 for more information.
Our offices open at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, and close at 4:00 p.m. every day except Friday, when we close at 3:30 p.m.

Applications are also available online. Please click here.


Partnering with the Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) and New Jersey SHARES (NJ SHARES), BEOF provides assistance to individuals and families who need temporary help paying their energy bills.

The Temporary Relief for Utility Expenses (TRUE) program and the Payment Assistance for Gas & Electric (PAGE) program help low- to moderate-income household that are struggling to pay their electric and natural gas bills. Funded by the Board of Public Utilities and administered by the AHA, TRUE and PAGE are both annual assistance programs.

NJ SHARES provides relief during times of financial crisis, such as illness or job loss. These households do not meet the income requirements for federal and state assistance programs. The program provides grant amounts of up to $700 for heating costs and up to $500 for electric service.

TRUE and PAGE applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Currently receive gas and electric services from one of the following companies or a third-party supplier billed through one of the following – JCP&L, PSEG, Rockland Electric, Atlantic City Electric, NJNG, Elizabeth Gas, or South Jersey Gas
  • Annual income per household size must fall within the income requirements for TRUE and PAGE
  • Demonstrate past due balance and/or have received a disconnection notice
  • Demonstrate that 2 payments of at least $25 each have been made within the past 6 months on the gas and electric account. For TRUE, at least one payment should have been made 15 days before application date OR $75 in the past 90 days ($150 if applying for both gas and electric). For PAGE, one payment of $100 or greater within the past 90 days can replace the above requirement.
  • TRUE: Must not be receiving HEA benefits within the current heating season; must not currently be receiving USF benefits
  • PAGE: Must not have received USF benefits within the past 6 months (from time of application) or HEA program within the last heating season

NJ SHARES applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Reside in New Jersey
  • Experience financial crisis, as from job loss or illness
  • Be behind on energy bill payments
  • Have income that exceeds the thresholds for federal and state programs
  • Have an income level within 400% of the federal poverty level
  • Have made a good-faith payment of at least $100 within 90 days of application

Applicants age 65 years and older and those receiving Federal Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are also eligible, provided the meet the following requirements:

  • Households of one or two members
  • Maximum household income is $70,000 gross annually or $5,833 gross monthly

Required Documentation
To assist with timely processing, please provide the following documentation when filing an application:


  • Copies of Social Security cards for all household members
  • Copy of primary applicant’s driver’s license, showing current address
  • Proof of income for ALL household members (last four consecutive weeks before application date)
  • Homeowners: Copy of deed, property tax statement or mortgage statement
  • Renters: Copy of lease
  • Copies of past 6 months of payment history from each utility
  • Copies of most recent electric bill and gas bill with current address
  • Copy of prior year federal income tax return


  • Proof of income for ALL contributing household members (last four consecutive weeks before application date)
  • Proof of identification for all household members
  • Most recent energy bill

Senior citizens must provide proof of age, and disabled individuals must provide proof of federal SSD benefit.

How to Apply
Visit our office at 555 Kennedy Boulevard (between 21st and 22nd Streets) in Bayonne, N.J. Friendly staff members are available to help you complete the applications. You can also call 201-437-7222 for more information.

Our offices open at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, and close at 4:00 p.m. every day except Friday, when we close at 3:30 p.m.

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