For general inquires please contact BEOF at 201-437-7222
For specific inquiries please contact:
Director: Rosemary Simnowitz
Education/Literacy Manager: Gail Lovell
Stepping Stone Academy (formerly Bayonne Head Start) helps prepare young children to succeed in school. The program supports the mental, social, and emotional development of low-income and special needs children 3 to 5 years of age. Teachers and managers work closely with families to create an education plan tailored to each child’s unique characteristics and strengths to support school readiness. Educators are supported by a team of specialists, including a school clinical psychologist, a nutrition consultant, and a registered nurse.
Bayonne Head Start serves more than 150 children at three locations:
- 21 West 8th Street (former City Hall Annex Building)
- 557 Kennedy Boulevard
- 7 West 9th Street
Limited transportation is available.
In general, the children of families whose income falls at or below the poverty level are eligible for Head Start. Homeless children, those in foster care, and those whose families receive public assistance also qualify for Head Start, regardless of income level.
How to Apply
Visit our offices at 555 Kennedy Boulevard (between 21st and 22nd Streets) or at 21 West 8th Street in Bayonne, N.J. Friendly staff members are available to help you complete the applications. You can also call 201-437-7702 for more information or visit our Head Start website.
Our offices open at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, and close at 3:30 p.m.
Bayonne Head Start is now accepting online applications!
Please note that the applicant MUST be 3 years old by October 1st of the current school year.
Click here to apply and a confirmation email will be sent to you with documents required.