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CARES Act Substantial Amendment

CARES Act Substantial Amendment

CARES Act Substantial Amendment

In order to obtain the views of residents, public agencies, and other interested parties, Bayonne has placed the Substantial Amendment on public display beginning Friday, February 15, 2020, on the City’s website at the following address: bayonnenj.org. This document will be available to the public for a period no less than five (5) days until Tuesday, February 23, 2020.

On Tuesday, February 23rd at 5:30pm, the City of Bayonne will hold a Virtual Public Hearing to consider the proposed substantial change to the FY 2019 CDBG Annual Action Plan. Given the current public health crisis, a virtual hearing is being held in lieu of an in-person hearing. The log-in information for the Virtual Public Hearing will be posted on the City’s website at the following address: bayonnenj.org. All interested persons, groups, and organizations are encouraged to attend this public hearing and will be given the opportunity to present oral or written testimony concerning the proposed amendment for the FY 2019 Annual Action Plan.

Please use the Zoom link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83398865059?pwd=aWxMb1lTLzBLS3ZVUEFDSGhMTk42dz09


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